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”You are a TOY!” – Kierkegaard’s Concept of Courage and Anxiety in Toy Story

1. feb. 2023 kl. 19:30 - 21:00


An alarming number of young people report to be dealing with anxiety. In psychiatric terms anxiety is a mental illness to be cured, but according to Søren Kierkegaard, it’s a human condition required to find out that we are free. So how can we help young people to deal with anxiety without getting existentially lost in it?

Through an analysis of Pixar’s Toy Story ph.d. and teacher at Silkeborg Højskole Christian Hjortkjær will show how “the secret art of helping” according to Kierkegaard is not an attempt to ease the pain or remove the problems in life but rather an upbuilding act of helping the other person to regain the very courage to live.

Aftenens Åben Højskole foregår på engelsk, men er åben for alle interesserede. Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig.


1. feb. 2023
19:30 - 21:00