
life at sh

A unique way of learning

Højskole life is not education as you know it. Unlike traditional education, there are no set syllabus or exams.
Instead, you have the chance to explore your interests and challenge yourself in new areas. We actively encourage you to take the plunge and try something new, you might just discover a whole new side of yourself!

Teaching style

We explore the world through curiosity and interest – not a curriculum-based measurement.

Immersion Friday

Fridays are for cross-subject immersion and shared experiences.

Weekly schedule

A regular week at Silkeborg Højskole consists of varied subjects, excursions and social activities.


Life at a højskole is a 24:7 adventure. There is always something to do and friends to do it with.



Experience the shared energy boost that arise during our weekly singing lesson.


House Rules

We strive to create an inclusive and trusting environment, where everyone feels at home.

Admissions & Fees

Apply here